3 July 2023
Intermittent fasting diet, also known as intermittent fasting, also known as IF, is a healthy eating pattern that can be applied throughout life, rather than a diet program. In this diet, the day is divided into two as “feeding time” and “fasting time”.

What are the Hours of Intermittent Fasting Diet?
- 16:8: It is a 16-hour fasting and 8-hour feeding style. The fasting time coincides with the night (sleep). If this style of fasting is to be followed, the earlier the first meal time is, the earlier the last meal time will be and weight loss will accelerate.
- 5:2: Eat normally 5 days a week, have a restricted calorie diet 2 days a week.
- Eat/Stop/Eat Method: It is a method of fasting for 24 hours once or twice a week. After dinner one day, 24 hours pass until dinner the next.
16:8 Model Intermittent Fasting
In this intermittent fasting model, eating occurs for 8 hours and fasting occurs for 16 hours. No food should be consumed when hungry. Beverages such as water, black coffee, tea and plain soda are allowed.
There are not many food restrictions in the intermittent fasting diet, so the focus is on healthy foods. You should get support from a dietitian to follow the intermittent fasting diet correctly and healthily. Only in this way can you lose weight consciously.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting Diet
In order to properly plan this type of diet, it is necessary to work with a dietitian. The nutrition plan should consist of healthy meals, and the nutrients the body needs should be included in the diet.

What Does Intermittent Fasting Do?
One of the most curious questions that comes to the mind of those who practice intermittent fasting is its benefits. What are the advantages of this diet and what kind of innovation does it bring to people? Let’s talk about them a little bit:
-Allows weight loss
-It reduces insulin resistance in the body
-It burns fat. It helps reduce bad cholesterol.
-Protects from type 2 diabetes.
-Heals chronic diseases and reduces drug use.
-It protects brain health and ensures a complete state of well-being in the body.
– Cells come into order.

Who Cannot Do Intermittent Fasting?
- People with diabetes/diabetes
- People with low blood pressure
- People with eating disorders
- Very thin people (those with a BMI below 18)
- People who do intense sports
- Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers
- Those who use regular medication

Intermittent Fasting Should Be Done with the Accompaniment of a Dietitian
This diet is not a diet that a person can follow on her/his own. It should definitely be done with the help of a dietitian. Each diet should be personalized and implemented. Each individual’s age, gender, height and weight are different, and intermittent fasting varies depending on the person.
You can also get rid of your excess weight by consulting our experts. Don’t forget to visit Cinik Polyclinic for more details.