It is a sweet dream of all women to turn back time and have smooth, tight skin again. Maybe we can’t reverse time, but we can get you back to the appearance you had almost 10 years ago. The formula for the return is hidden in the thread lift.
Thread lift is a non-surgical facelift that allows you to challenge the years and return your face to the way it was years ago. In the thread lift, also known as the French lift procedure, the face is stretched, using special threads. Thus, it eliminates sagging and wrinkles that reveal your age; The sagging that occurs around the lips, cheeks, and under the eyes are recovered without surgery with the “lifting effect”.
What Is a Thread Lift?
The Thread Lift is a preferred procedure to recover the sagging caused by aging and to rejuvenate the face with the effect of the lift. Without the need for surgery, it lifts the face upwards with threads placed under the skin. Thus, a tenser and tighter skin is obtained. The result of the procedure is immediately visible to the eye.
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Does Thread Lift Make Any Harm to the Face?
In the Thread Lift (French lift) process, threads with silicone on the outside, polyester on the inside, produced from biocompatible materials and used in implant surgeries are preferred. Since these threads are used for medical purposes, there is no harm.
What Are the Benefits of the Thread Lift?
Excessive facial expressions should not be used immediately after the procedure.
You should not sleep face down for a while.
Procedures such as skin care should be avoided for a while.
The face should not be touched harshly for a while, and procedures that require skin contact, such as massage, should be avoided.
Application Areas of the Thread Lift on the Face:
Around Lips
How Many Sessions Does Thread Lift Require?
Only one session will be sufficient for the thread lift. The threads used, last up to 5 years. It can be done again after 5 years, depending on the patient’s request and necessary vision.

What are the advantages of the Tread Lift?
It eliminates deep lines.
It fixes all the sagging on the face.
It can be applied to both male and female patients.
Since it is a non-surgical procedure, there are no scars or stitches.
Since local anesthesia is applied, no pain is felt during the procedure.
It does not create mimic and expression loss, gives an extremely natural look.
It is especially suitable for patients over the age of 40 who have sagging skin and need lifting.
It has a very short process. You can return to your daily life immediately after the thread lift application, which is completed in 40-45 minutes.